Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Top Motherboard Brands A Chip On My Motherboard Looks Like It Had Overheated, The Top Is A Partially Black. Should I Try To Fix It?

A chip on my motherboard looks like it had overheated, the top is a partially black. Should I try to fix it? - top motherboard brands

I recently received an extra board (Soyo 6VCA) a person who helps with your computer, and I will try to build a computer at second hand, as a startup project for construction equipment, has some additional RAM graphics card, modem, etc .. The motherboard and then look at other major chip is a small 1-inch by 1 inch in the bottom left side of the motherboard a small black tip. I went to the website of the company and identifies the Southbridge chip. I wonder whether this kind of problem occurs frequently in mothers, and if parts worth trying to do something for these additional. The brand and model of this chip is Via 686A.

Thank you in advance.


rann_geo... said...

You can enter a motherboard without a case in connection with, have only a surface that will not conduct electricity. For about ten dollars can buy a code reader that connects to it to say that you have come or how far you can be suspended. I have a new off eBay for the price. But we must try to know what the poorly written English is concerned.

I do not think it affects your memory card or memory card.

Try to contact with VIA. It can be very simple, like someone had a cigarette ashes in it.

Linux OS said...

Sure. If you play just a little after his great experience. It has all the usual tools - a controller chip, the miller welding, and so steady hand, I know not expect them to 1 hours work later, but that's half the fun:)

Linux OS said...

Sure. If you play just a little after his great experience. It has all the usual tools - a controller chip, the miller welding, and so steady hand, I know not expect them to 1 hours work later, but that's half the fun:)

Jeff said...

Replacing the chip could be difficult. FLATPACK sounds like "a" and are a real pain in the de-soldering, welding. Unless, of course, is fitted, welding and safety with microminuture by ESD, you need to find someone who does not! But if you want to try, go ahead!

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